House of Mistofer Christopher

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Tinder Profile... I mean Job Post

Photo by @jcotten


5 months old (22 in Human Years) * Could be 150 feet away



movie I saw:  Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH.

food I ate:  5 hour old jagged ¼ piece of a bacon, egg, and cheese on an eveyrthinxg* bagel.&*

book I read:  Misunderstood: Why the Humble Rat May Be Your Best Pet Ever, Rachel Toor

pick up line I used:  Are you a parking ticket? ‘cause you got fine written all over you.

girl I swiped right on:  She’s at Spring Street Station with my 12 pinkies.

joke I told:  What do you call a bunch of dead cats on the side of the road? Litter.

cause I supported:  Garbage Collection Strike.

place I lived:  Hell’s Kitchen.

song I listened to:  Mayor of Simpleton by XTC

drink I had: Sewer rat.

joke I laughed at:  What do you call a dead cat?  It doesn’t matter. It’s not coming.

will and testament:  Make “The Rat in the Hat” Common Core state standards.


I’m outstanding outside.  In other words. I’m outstanding…Swipe right.

The rat situation in New York City is getting so bad they have tender profiles. The Mayor of New York City is hiring a Director of Rodent Mitigation. According to the job description: “rats are not our friends and they are enemies that must be vanquished by the combined forces of our city government.

Click on link to apply: Candidate Application for Director of Rodent Mitigation

*Pease excuse AnY TYPOS cuase it’s hard to ype with little pawwwwwws, I mean hands.

Xoox BIG KISS, little hug, little hug, BIG KISS.


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