50 Ways to answer "How yu doin'?"

“Integrity is telling myself the truth.  And honesty is telling the truth to other people.”  Spencer Johnson


How to answer the question: “how yu doin’?”  The answers range from sassy to flirty, to outright hilarious, and honest.  Please add to the list in the comments below.


1.    It’s complicated.

·      Fine, thank you.  And you?

·      Fine, and you.  (slowly, respectfully and politely scan with your eyes up and down) 

·      Pretty good.

·      Trying.

·      Meh.

·      Pressed but blessed.

·      Better than_________ (insert)

·      Good. How about yourself?

·      For real, how am I?

·      I am a ___ out of 10.

·      Fat and sassy.

·      Emotionally? Physically?  Metaphysically?  Mentally? Spiritually? Financially? Socioeconomically? My Faith? I am not sure what you mean.

·      Medium-well, rare, well done.  (choose one)

·      Next question please.

·      Do you want the short or the long version?

·      Do you want the cliff notes or the dissertation?

·      Good for de time.  (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines)

·      Still Standing Vertical.

·      How you doin?  (New York City)

·      I’m fine. I haven’t had my baby yet. (Russia)

·      Much better now that you are here.

·      I don't know, you tell me. How am I right now?

·      I'm busy taking over the world.  Pinky and the Brain Animaniacs)

·      Animaniacs (2020) Pinky and the Brain opening

·      Your attempt at social interaction is hereby acknowledged, affirmed and appreciated. You may continue as you were

Photo by Miikka Luotio @mluotio83

I just got out of a bad relationship. My flirting is a little rusty. Can I practice with you?  

·      Incredibly good looking. 

·      Everything is fine with you around. (wink, wink)

·      Somewhere between blah and meh.

·      Would you like an honest answer or the one you were expecting?


·      I feel a bit chilly. Do you mind warming me up for a second?  

·      I haven’t been hugged for a while. Could you help me remember how it feels? 

·      Awww...you miss me? 

·      Oooooh!   I like the sound of that. Please repeat what you just asked me.  

·      I’m busy, but would you like me to add you to my to-do list? 

·      I’m trying to remember the last time we spoke. We should speak with each other more often. 

·      To know me is to love me. Are you ready to get to know me? 

·      At the moment I am looking for the love of my life. Can you please show me the way?  

·      I just got out of a bad relationship. My flirting is a little rusty. Can I practice with you?  

·      On my way to feed the monster. The monster being me. Do you want to eat out with me?  

·      The best thing that happened to me today is…you!  

·      You’re doing okay?

·      Woke up this morning.

·      Somewhere between better and best.

·      My lawyer says I don’t have to answer that question.

·      Next question, please.

·      What’s the deal with all these questions?  Are you the police/5 0 (insert your local word for police officer)?

·      I’m happier than a pig in mud.

Photo by Kameron Kincade. @kkincade

Happier than a pig in mud.

·      I’m happier than an anteater in an ant farm.

·      Still searching for my personality.

·      Haven’t had coffee yet.  Proceed with extreme caution.

·      Great question. (walk away)

photo by Christian Gertenbach. @kc_gertenbach

Great question and walk away.

·      Sorry I don’t speak French.  (or insert another language)

·      Happy and fine like a glass of wine.

59.  I am leaving you my goldfish in my will.

60. I have the right to remain silent.

61. EL-HUM-DE-LEE-LAH. (Arabic - Praise be to God)

62. You fill in the blank________________ (comment below)