Grouch Day

Oscar the grouch looking off into the future

Photo by SU Walls

You’d be a grouch, too, if you lived in a trash can!
— Oscar the Grouch

I know it is 11:00pm, NYC Eastern time October 15, 2022. I know I am late, but deal with it. Today is National Grouch Day. So take your little hissy fit and celebrate, complain, be a Debbie Downer, a Daryl Depresser, a Despondent Desdemona, a Pessimistic Peggy, a Doubtful Doug and suck all the fun, happy air out of the room. Today, October 15, 2022, is the day that honors the world’s famous and beloved dirty, green, grouch, Oscar of Sesame Street. We salute all you grouches today and we embrace your and my inner grouch. Please feel free to complain in the comments below and someone will respond to you within twenty-four days.

On this day you are licensed to complain, wallow, irritate, whine, groan, and sulk. You may use a journal for some of the purging. Please find enclosed a list of activities to do to assist you through this difficult period. Remember "Life's like a bird. It's pretty cute until it poops on your head."

· Call a random friend and tell them that it is National Grouch Day.  What would you like to complain about?

· Look in the mirror and make an ugly face.

· Take a grouchy selfie and text it to your family or friend.

· Sing the Oscar the Grouch Song. “Let a frown be your umbrella.”

Oscar sings let a frown be your umbrella

· Tell 5 people you know: “I’m grumpy.  Tell me something to make me feel better.”

· Sing any song off key, practice first in the shower, and then call a loved one and serenade them.

· Wear a frumpy hat.

· Call your grouchy friend and say: “Who ate your bowl of sunshine this morning Thunder Cloud?“

· Wear two different pairs of socks.

· Carry an umbrella and walk with it open even if it’s a sunny day.

· Text a grouchy joke to your friend. See Below.

  • Why is Oscar the Grouch from Sesame Street so angry all the time? Irritable Vowel Syndrome.

· Eat a Lemon.

· Say: “It’s okay I’m a grouch!” every time you make a mistake.

· Journal about your grouch feelings.

· Call the complaint department of any company and say you would like to register a complaint and complain.

· Buy a stranger on the line behind you and write on the coffee cup.  Don’t be a grouch!


Grouch away Grouches.

I don’t have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.