Take Away Twenty - Conclusion

Hover In Prayer

  • Hover in Prayer

I received a note in the mail addressed to Christopher Millerian.  I was surprised.  I knew it was me because I’m Christopher but then, when I looked at the addressee, I realized who it was.  It was my favorite Syrian Armenian Dad, Mexican American mom, and little baby girl family of 3.  I was officially adopted!  I opened up the letter and, drawn in ink, was a helicopter with the words, “Hover in prayer.”


Photo by @OlenaSergienko

  • What did New York cheesecake say to the fork?  You wanna piece of me?

 Let it Happen

 “There are shortcuts to happiness, and dancing is one of them.”- Vicki Baum

 Norah, Yarah, Rosa, the world’s inspirational siblings, make it happen, always pulling a smile out of me and lighting up my Instagram feed with their high energy, expressive, heartfelt dancing and interpretations of Rnb, Soul and Hip Hop from decades spent, ranging from the Comandante of Brooklyn, the Godfather of Soul, the King of Pop, to the Songbird Supreme.  Their musical set?  Tiny, narrow, Dutch alleyways graced with occasional rose bushes and a happy weed poking out of gray cobblestones.  To capture the surge of feelings these girls evoke from their music choice and energetic dancing, I would have to use a cocktail of words from different languages. 

懐かしい  Natsukashii  (Japanese) – A nostalgic longing for the past with happiness for the fond memory, yet sadness that it is no longer.

Retrouvailles – (French) The happiness of meeting again after a long time.

Zeitgeist – (German) the spirit of the time.

To sum it up:  I smile because I remember… the song which then takes me to a place and time in life.  Memory flashes snapshots of the high-top fades or maybe a jerry curl, the baggy pants and a door knocker gold earring, the tint on the car with a spoiler set, the dance of the time, the pattern of the music.  It opens up the heart in the way that finding your old, dusty journal in a box, under the shelf, in the garage does.  You gently crack open the old pages and peek in at the young you.  Swirl that mixed drink with these girls dancing their heart out reminds you that music is eternal and a gift that every generation and culture can appreciate.

 Check out one clip of this dynamic triple Dutch team -


 What is your blessing, hack, joke, lessons from 2020? Comment Below.

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