The Coping Tool Box - Part 2

Mistofer Christopher’s Coping Tool Box

·      Have a quiet cup of tea in the evening with a small group of friends, either virtually or in person.

·      Journal about the day.

·      20 Jumping Squats.

·      There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving”. The Holy Bible.  I try to think of a person to whom I could give a gift - large or small, a thinking of you card, a letter, a phone call, a flower, a donut, and then I execute the plan.

·      Change the Channel.  Change my activity, change my thinking.  Whatever it is that I am doing I try to change it.  If sitting, then stand; if stuck in thoughts, then shake my head and move.  if standing, then walk;  if scrolling, then stop,  if vegging, then…eat meat. 

·      “Movement is a medicine for creating change in a person’s physical, emotional, and mental states.” – Carol Welch.  For me this requires daily walks, daily exercises, riding my bike.  However, if negative thoughts circle like sharks and start to come in, I immediately have to engage in some sort of movement.

·      In connection with everything give thanks.” – The Holy Bible – Find something to be thankful for: large or small, recent or past,  tangible or intangible.  Make a list of three different items a day. 

·      Creative OutletWrite poetry.  Reading poetry and spoken word.  Try to find and capture nature in the city.

·      Call a Friend – I have a small list of my go to people who are in the category of this quote by Dinah Maria Mulock Craik: “A friend is one to whom one may pour out the contents of one's heart, chaff and grain together, knowing that gentle hands will take and sift it, keep what is worth keeping, and with a breath of kindness, blow the rest away.


What is in your COPING TOOL BOX?  Share below in the comments.


Photo by @Jessi Miller

I would like to gift to everyone who reads this blog, during May 2022, Mental Health Wellness Month my children’s story app, “Talk About the Monster”.  It is a whimsical little story for children to take a little big step to face anxiety and fear.  Click on the hyperlink to download your copy.   Please like, follow and share the news with your community.


Talk About The Monster Mobile App


"Body language and tone of voice - not words - are our most powerful assessment tools."

Christopher Voss.