The Numbers

And now the numbers…

Children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see
— John F. Kennedy, 35th President of the United States
cute little african girls with headscarves, one of them has her mouth rounded open with surprise

According to U.S. Census Bureau estimates, there were 43,012,450 youth aged 10-19 in the United States, 13% of the total U.S. population, in 2021.  This means there are 43,012,450 messages, letters, novels, collections, souls, that are in need of…everything. According to the United Nations there are 1.3 billion adolescents, those between the ages of 10-19 in the world today, making up 16 per cent of the world's population. 1.3 billion living souls hungering for knowledge, connection, love, education. The next cycle is rushing behind them of newborns, infants, and toddlers.

This week there will be a focus on education.  Countries around the world have set aside January 24 as an International Day of Education.  Enshrined in the rights of humanity, article 26 of the Declaration of Human rights states that education should be free at the least in the elementary and fundamental stages and compulsory and it should be directed to the full development of the human personality. 

three children sit on a couch laughing while they read the children's story book, Talk About the Monster

It is vital to cultivate in children a desire and a love for reading at an early age.  This desire will open up a mind that looks forward to lifelong learning.  Reading aloud and together with our children presents the book experience as a form of adventure, entertainment, learning, an exploration of the world, and an opportunity to bond and spend quality time with parents.

Children who appreciate and value books will be motivated to read on their own, widen their imaginations, increase their vocabulary and build their social-emotional skills.

Photo by Jessi Miller


Download for free starting Monday, January 23, 2023 – Sunday, January 29, 2023, the children’s story app “Talk About The Monster” (ages 5-11) on Apple IOS or Google Android platform.  

“Talk About The Monster” features an interactive “read to me” option which help children to learn how to read by highlighting words, letters, and sounds as the child presses the words.

Please find below a link to download the app and share it with all in your community.  If you enjoy the app, please give a kind review on the app store.

Talk About The Monster Children's App

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