20 for 20

20 for 20

Mistofer Christopher

Thursday, December 31, 2020

1.      I learned how to Spell Quarantine. Q-u-a-r-a-n- Gibbbly Gooosh Time is Mush.

2.     Schedule – a fluid document that reflects life, emotions, and priorities and must be reviewed regularly.

3.     Corny jokes are great, safe medicine.

    “I ordered a chicken and an egg online…I’ll let you know.”

4.     Social Distancing was an incorrect term.  Physical Distancing was more accurate.

5.     20 pushups are better than nothing.  2 Pushups are something.

6.     Green plants make a room better.

7.     Be courteous, kind, and respectful to your inside person.

8.    Use an inside voice with your inside self.

9.     Zoom + Friends + Tea = Hospitality.

10.   Know what stresses me and know where to assign it.

11.     Get up early every day except for the day you get up late.

12.    Clothes communicate to the body in their own language.  That is why we wear pajamas for sleep, sneakers for running, workout gear for workouts, tuxedos for weddings, blue uniforms for police, white uniform for medical personnel, pajamas for sleep.  Wait I said that already.  That is why every day dress up to accomplish.

13.    Make a to do list and rejoice in every single thing done.

a.     Breathe in

b.     Breathe out

c.     2 pushups

d.     Walk Around The Block

14.    The power of a hand written postcard or letter.

15.    Drink a lot of water daily.  (I call it a Hooray water bottle, a motivational water bottle that tells me how much I’ve drank with time markers and motivational words)

16.   Fast – From Social Media, From Television, From Junk Food, From People.

17.    Don’t forget to mute.

18.   Don’t forget to Unmute.

19.   Let the last words and actions be in every conversation and moment with a human be touched with love, kindness, and respect.

20.  Toilet paper is white gold.

21.    Clothes communicate just as much to others as it does to yourself.