99 for Quarantine (pronounced Qua-ran-tyne ☺)
Photo credit to Emma Matthews Digital Content Production
1. Make your weekly/monthly schedule.
2. Make a to do list every night or every morning for the day.
3. Memorize and Recite “If” by Rudyard Kipling.
4. Draw a funny virus. (http://elisegravel.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Untitled_Artwork_5.jpg
5. Use chalk and write one line of the poem “IF” on your sidewalk, or write it on a piece of paper and tape it to your Front Door.
6. Make a homemade pizza.
7. Call a senior home and volunteer to read a story to one of the residents.
8. Visit a Museum Online.
9. Spin the globe or use a map of the world and make a list of three places you want to visit. Research what there is to see and do.
10. Plant a seed in a pot inside your house or apartment and name the plant.
11. Research on an online library and find out what historical events happened in your community and visit the exact location using Google Maps.
12. Research and come up with a list of 10 things to do in your city, town or country that you can take friends to once you return to civilization.
13. Research and write down a list of 10 restaurants.
14. Spin the globe or use a map of the world and whatever country you land research 5 interesting facts of that country.
15. Find a regional recipe of the country in Number 9 and make it.
16. Plant a seasonal fruit or vegetable indigenous to your region in your backyard garden, porch or fire escape.
17. Visit Virtually /Call a business in your community, interview the owner or employees and learn what they do.
18. Make soft hot chocolate chip cookies.
19. Save a few of them (3-4) or (1-2) depending on how you feel and visit with your next-door neighbor and give them as a gift while maintaining social distancing.
20. Take a family nap.
21. Design and draw up plans for a sand castle.
22. On reopening build a sandcastle. http://www.mykidsadventures.com/sand-castle-secrets/
23. Learn a short poem by heart.
24. Learn and recite a poem from in another language. (example Pablo Neruda, Khalil Gibran)
25. Complete a puzzle.
26. Make your own giant bubble maker. Create monster bubbles.
27. Read a short story to your grandma.
28. Draw something. It doesn't matter how terrible you are, just put pen to paper and draw something. Whether it's a bowl of fruit, or the view from your kitchen window, challenge yourself to create some art.
29. Read a book about honeybees.
30. Build a honeybee hive. https://morningchores.com/beehive-plans/
31. Make a Movie Matinee in your living room.
32. Learn a famous speech in history and recite it to your family. (Chief Joseph, “Surrender Speech”; Patrick Henry, “Give Me Liberty or Give me Death”; Martin Luther King, Jr. “I Have a Dream”; Jesus Christ, “The Sermon on the Mount”)
33. Get a map of the United States and start planning a great American road trip for next summer. (Itinerary: Dines and Drives, National Parks, Historical Sites, Weird and Cool things to see and do.)
34. Take the coffee you made in the morning and pour it into ice cube trays and then serve it as a topping with vanilla ice cream in the evening.
35. Take a free virtual tour of your city or town. If there isn’t one design one. Make a list of your favorite things to do in your town. Favorite ice cream place, favorite park, favorite restaurant.
36. Interview an older relative about what life was like when they were young.
37. Make some more Smores. Marshmallows & Chocolate & Graham Crackers.
38. Research quotes on love, friendship, and kindness that mean a lot to you. Collect 10 of them.
39. Write the quote. Send a letter to a random person with just the quote.
40. Call a random person and share the quote.
41. Call the Local Fire Department and thank them for their service. Ask them if you can be placed on speaker and recite to them the poem you memorized. Dedicate it to them.
42. Call the Local Police Department and thank them for their service. Ask them if you can be placed on speaker and recite to them the poem you memorized.
43. Once a week for each week of summer write down in chalk on your sidewalk the quote. If someone asks you about the quote explain why you like the quote.
44. Make a list of your town on what you absolutely have to see, absolutely have to do and absolutely have to eat. (When guests visit after Quarantine take them to those places.)
45. Use your smart phone and make a short movie.
46. Make a kite and fly it from your yard. https://www.instructables.com/id/A-Garbage-Bag-Kite/
47. Camp out in your living room overnight with friends on Zoom and tell scary stories.
48. Find the corniest joke ever and call your friend and tell it to them.
49. Listen to a classic audio book. Animal Farm.
50. Use your smart phone and record your stuffed up toy telling corny jokes.
51. Organize a sip and paint night with https://paintsbychey.wixsite.com/paintsbychey
52. Watch a sunset.
53. Visit a historical house.
54. Subscribe to a podcast. Listen to one every five days.
55. Create a Caribbean Goodness smoothie with Mangos, Pineapple, Guava, Banana and Passion Fruit and a little orange juice. See link for ideas https://breadboozebacon.com/copycat-caribbean-passion-smoothie/
56. Create and Blend your own smoothie. Give it a creative, descriptive, passionate name.
57. Use a Flashlight. Find a Wall. Wait for Night. Make Shadow Puppets.
58. Overcome a fear.
59. Choose your own theme song for a Mister Softie Truck. Blast it every time you serve ice cream for your spouse, loved ones, roommate, or kids. You will condition them to recognize the song.
60. Create a science experiment.
61. Do a random act of kindness.
62. Invent a recipe for your state, city, town, or village using the local ingredients in your supermarket.
63. Visit YouTube and learn another culture’s dance such as the Arabic Debke or the Greek Zorba.
64. Write a short story.
65. Do another random act of kindness.
66. Get in your car drive around the block, roll down your windows and scream out with all your might: “Whoooooooo Hooooooooooo!!”
67. Karaoke in your front yard or on your fire escape “I will always love you” by Whitney Houston.
68. Bake cupcakes to celebrate a day of thankfulness.
69. Assemble a family cookbook with all your favorite recipes.
70. Do 10 pushups… NOW!
71. Make a Game plan for the next year. What you would like to learn, do and see.
72. Toss a Frisbee.
73. Do 15 jumping jacks…. NOW
74. Fill up your bathtub with about 4 inches of water (hot or cold) and place your feet in it and think of the ocean and read out loud “Sea Fever” by John Masefield.
75. Go for a hike.
76. Watch a sunrise.
77. Learn a new style of dance using YouTube, from Salsa, Hip-hop, country, belly dancing to break dancing.
78. Family History Charades. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/family-games_b_2338027
79. Start a Book Club.
80. Write a poem.
81. Open up your closet. Close it. Get a Hefty Bag. Open your closet it again and try on all your clothes and place all the ones that don’t fit, you haven’t worn in a year in your donation bag.
82. Find a workout app or program that works. Execute it.
83. Make a root beer float.
84. Have a social media fast.
85. Virtual tour of a Natural Park
86. Start a Journal. Take a few pages of it and make it you gratitude and blessings page.
87. Learn to bake homemade bread
88. Put on a miniseries. Mute the sound. Create your own dialogue.
89. Rearrange your furniture
90. Reflection: What did you accomplish last year? What are your goals this year?
91. Develop a taste for a new genre of music.
92. Learn a new instrument.
93. Take a CPR class.
94. Walk barefoot in the grass in your front or backyard.
95. Have a fancy tea party.
96. Visit a local bookstore when a children’s author comes to town.
97. Write down 3 things you are thankful for.
98. Create your family tree.
99. Write a letter to yourself 5 years, 10 years, and 20 years from now.
· Start a Bonsai Garden.
· Organize your room, taking 15 minutes a day for one section at a time.
· Try your hand at sculpting or pottery.
· People watch in town or the city.
· Teach yourself how to juggle.
· React and Act Game https://www.icebreakers.ws/active/react-and-act-game.html
· Blindfold – Tell the person what to draw exactly and they must draw it.
· Build a house of cards.
· Call a friend and speak in an accent.
· Hug someone in your home.
· Make a time capsule. Cut out the newspaper for the day and place artifacts of your time period.