Ready or Not - Here We Leave.

Please take the following informal quiz to see if you and your family are ready to respond to a disaster. You may place your answers in the comment section.

1. When practicing your escape plan, see if everyone can get out to the meeting spot in less than:

A. 10 minutes B. 5 minutes C. 20 minutes D. 1 minute

2. True or False: When using a fire extinguisher, you should aim the spray at the shooting flames.

3. What should you do if you see smoke or fire in your house?

A. Hide B. Collect all your toys C. Get out fast

4. List what are the potential disasters that you and your family could face in your town or state?

It is important for our families, children, friends and even our community to be aware of what to do when a disaster of any form occurs in your area. Join me and my friends, Instinct Ready at their Disaster Class Podcast as we discuss the need to be mentally and emotionally prepared to respond to a disaster. Have a listen at the podcast below.

You are the first response to a disaster in your home, are you ready?

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